Tuesday, October 7, 2014

CMT Core Group Meeting Minutes - October 2, 2014

In Attendance

  • Wolf Ametsbichler, Missoula Job Service
  • Kristi Harman, Missoula Job Service
  • Monique Fortmann, Lifelong Learning Center
  • Jeannine Lovell, Homeword
  • Chris Clasby, Summit Independent Living Center
  • Kelly Bataglia, Homeword
  • Jude Monson, Summit Independent Living Center
  • Adam Ragsdale, Missoula Housing Authority
  • Maggie Driscoll, Human Resource Council District XI
  • Kurtis Mayne, Opportunity Resources, Inc. 


Opportunity Resources Updates

Opportunity Resources, Inc. is contracting with Source America to start an E-Recycling business. Russ McKinnon has been hired to run this program. They are seeking a building to for this new business and are hoping to have it open by January 2015. ORI will have drop-off sites and will pick up electronic recyclables throughout Missoula and most likely other cities around MT. This will provide their clients excellent employment opportunities and income. They are currently collecting donations from their staff and will be open to public donations in the near future.

ORI is in the process of backfilling many positions that have sat vacant since promoting about 5% of their staff into higher level positions within the company over the last year. They currently employ 350 people, including new CEO Jesse Dunn who started in January of this year. ORI is recognizing the tight job market in Missoula and increasing wages to help with this. They are also promoting Direct Support Professional positions as a career, not just a job. ORI is working towards higher pay for this position and recently started a recognition week to promote the great work these professionals do on a daily basis.

ORI hosted their 5th annual Old West Autumn Fest on September 20th. This event was a success with over 600 cars entering through the gates and food sales up from last year. There were many fun activities throughout the day for children and adults of all ages. ORI thanks everyone that was involved with volunteering for and attending this special event.


Missoula Job Service

Marcia Horton officially retired on September 30th. She will be missed by many!

Traffic through the doors continues to be low and we are meeting the need to be more visible in the community. Staff is being trained in networking/outreach techniques over the next couple weeks.

Incumbent Worker Training dollars are going quickly throughout the state and businesses who may be interested in training before June 30th are encouraged to get applications submitted soon.
Wolf is facilitating an apprenticeship meeting with MCPS and many local businesses. The idea is to have high school students participate in apprenticeship programs during the summers to learn a trade and be ready for that industry once they graduate. Jackson Contractor Group used this approach with two students last summer and was deemed a successful pilot project.

Missoula Housing Authority

Construction continues on their Vantage Villa apartments and is going well. They are also partnering with Missoula College to build a duplex. 

They continue to seek applicants for their Mutual Self-Help Program. Construction has wrapped up for the winter and will resume again in the spring. Interested parties may call Holly at #549-4113.

The Lifelong Learning Center

With the implementation of WIOA, there will be a shifting of processes and reimbursement schedules, but details are currently unknown.

They are seeing many high needs students with low basic skills or cognitive ceilings in their learning. 

If anyone has clients who have taken portions of their GED, the deadline to utilize these scores is in December. After December, all tests will have to be taken through HiSet.

They continually are seeking instructors for classes to keep their offerings new and of interest to the public. If you or anyone you know would like to teach a hobby or skill please contact The Lifelong Learning Center.


Homeword is conducting a program assessment to better serve their clients. They will be evaluating their curriculum, format and marketing strategies. They would like feedback anyone has to help with this process.

Their current enrollments are lower than normal so they are starting to partner with other agencies in efforts to reach more low and moderate income clients.

Home buyer classes continue to be very popular and are currently experiencing waiting lists.

Human Resource Council District XI

HRDC is going through some reorganization as they recently had two long term employees retire. They also recently hired a new case manager in Hamilton.

LIEAP started on October 1st. If your organization needs applications please contact Maggie.

Summit Independent Living Center

Fall independent living skills training will be starting soon. Many efforts are going towards education on mental health issues. 

Summit is working with the ASPIRE grant, which assists youth who receive SSI in promoting readiness for education and employment.